By Lisa Gareau
February 27, 2021
Over the years I have had to reinvent what I tell myself about mornings in general. Do any of my "morning resets" sound familiar to you? They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Really? As a night-owl turned morning person I may be up at the wee-hours of the morning but I certainly won't be having more than my carefully crafted cuppa jo before 10 am. But I still get the nutrition I need during the day! They say a calm morning routine will set you up for your day. Really? Raising my girls on my own while building my business meant a typical morning was a frenetic exercise in making sure everyone - including me! - had their books, bags, and sanity in the van before we could head out into the world. But we were still productive and passionate about what we set out to do! AND ... They say early morning meetings bring foggy minds to the table. Really? In all my years of adventure, travel, business, planning, coaching, and motherhood I had to be ready - anytime - to "do the work" and "bring the passion" to a conversation. I'm not a superwoman, and some mornings I feel foggy, frustrated, or flustered with the amount of life to live and work to do. But I've always open to creative conversations and collaboration whenever they happen and - well - they are often better than a shot of caffeine anyway! Are you ready to rethink "morning meetings"? Join us at the next planning peer POP-IN! You'll be in good company. :) PS. Join us for THE PLANNER'S POP-IN every week on Wednesdays at 8:30 - 9:30 AM MST! Now, each week over an early-morning hour, for the cost of a truck-stop bacon 'n egg grand-slam, I've opened the door for planning peers to meet, be introduced to a special pop-in guest, and discuss a relevant event topic for the week. So many aspects of face-to-face gatherings have changed - so we'll have lots to catch up on! Register here :